• =Borrowed Tides= and =Alpha Centauri= right here



    Phil D'Amato's back ... grappling with his nemesis time travel ... in a struggle for the future of the world ... with old and new friends and enemies ...

    a thinking-person's time travel story ... as Battlestar Galactica is to space opera, The Genesis Virus is to all prior time travel on television... stunning game-changers will take place in this series at the drop of a hat through time...

    added September 12, 2008:
    I revealed a little more about The Genesis Virus at my reading of "Unburning Alexandria" at Robin's Bookstore in Philadelphia Aug 22 ... a YouTube video of this interview is posted below ... Phil D'Amato is back, and time travel on television will never be the same ...


    Phil D'Amato's three novels are above ... See also The Chronology Protection Case ... 极光加速官网 ... and The Mendelian Lamp Case for D'Amato's appearances in short fiction.

    article about Phil D'Amato on Wikipedia

    And here's Phil D'Amato in a trailer for The Chronology Protection Case short film by Jay Kensinger in 2002, from Paul Levinson's 1995 novelette in Analog Magazine...


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    mike's spot said...

    Where can we watch it? awesome to here prof!

    Anonymous said...

    WOW! As someone who's never been able to get a scifi novel or script anywhere, ever, I am totally completely jealous! Can't wait to hear more news about this. So exciting!

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